• What may at first glance appear to be a rare Spirit bear is actually Paczki, our 10-year old golden retriever. She's shaking off the snow after making the most beautiful snow angel. Since today is Fat Tuesday, also known as Paczki Day, we're lucky to love a Paczki all day long!

  • . . . and one of her favorite things to do, right after a fresh snowfall, is to meander over to a spot where the snow has been untouched, paw a little of the snow away and plop down and make snow angels. After a couple of sessions of snow angels, she's up, looks around for her sisters (with maybe a stare down) and they start running and chasing each other around with the snow flying creating diamonds in the cold morning air.

  • When the snow is light and fluffy, ZuZu loves to play this game where she will do her Tigger dance for a bit and then quickly bury her head in the snow. Then she'll raise her head up real fast and the snow just flies everywhere. Makes us laugh everytime . . .

  • Ginger puts on the happiest face whether the snow is one inch deep or ten inches deep. And even when she gets those little snowballs between her toes (you can see them on her left foot), she prances on . . .

  • Sometimes the deeper the snow, the more they play even though it takes quite a bit more effort to move through the depth. Doesn't seem to bother them at all though, even when it's almost up to their bellies.

  • On this day she was blessed with a real good burst as she saw her sisters wrestling and playing across the way. She built up a head a steam and leaped toward them as she got close, and this image captured her in mid-flight as though she were just gliding across the snow. If only . . .

Four Golden Retrievers smiling on a summer day



Golden Retriever Puppy sitting on a rock



Two Golden Retrievers smiling on an autumn day



Golden Retriever smiling in the flowers



Golden Retriever making a snow angel



Three Golden Retrievers smiling



Golden Retriever running in the snow

